
Making Technology Inclusive

At Nao Innovation, our dedication to making technology accessible to everyone is at the heart of our mission. We firmly believe that accessibility in the digital world is not a privilege but a fundamental right for all individuals, regardless of their abilities. This commitment goes beyond mere compliance with standards; it reflects our deep-seated responsibility to ensure that our technology serves everyone equally. By embracing accessibility, we are not just enhancing user experiences; we are actively contributing to a more inclusive and equitable digital landscape.

Our Accessibility Mission

Our mission centers on the principle that every individual, including those with disabilities, should have unhindered access to our digital products, services, and content. We are devoted to crafting digital experiences that are not only functional and intuitive but also fully inclusive. Our efforts are continuously geared towards eliminating barriers and expanding opportunities in the digital realm, ensuring that our technologies are accessible to all. This mission drives our design, development, and operational processes, as we strive to set new standards in creating a universally accessible digital world.

What We Do

Equal Access

At Nao Innovation, our unwavering commitment is to ensure equal access to information and technology for everyone. We understand the importance of creating an inclusive digital world where access is not hindered by any barriers. This commitment to equal access is the foundation of our approach to product development and service delivery. It drives us to design and build technology solutions that are accessible, empowering all users, irrespective of their abilities, to fully engage with our digital offerings.


We adhere strictly to internationally recognized accessibility standards, including the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Our digital properties are crafted and continuously evaluated to ensure they meet these comprehensive guidelines. This dedication to compliance is more than just meeting regulatory requirements; it's about setting a high standard for accessibility in every aspect of our digital presence. We believe that adhering to these standards is fundamental in providing an inclusive digital experience for all our users.


Nao Innovation is not just committed to implementing accessibility practices; we are also active advocates for digital accessibility. Our advocacy extends beyond our organizational boundaries to encompass the broader tech community. We actively participate in discussions, initiatives, and collaborations aimed at promoting accessibility. By sharing knowledge, resources, and best practices, we aim to raise awareness and encourage the integration of accessibility principles across the tech industry.

Ongoing Improvement

Our dedication to accessibility is an ever-evolving journey. We are committed to continual improvement in our accessibility efforts. This means not only keeping pace with emerging technologies and challenges but also proactively seeking ways to enhance accessibility in our products and services. We regularly review and update our practices to ensure they remain effective and relevant, ensuring that we are always providing the most accessible and user-friendly experience possible.